Tracing the Historical and Contemporary Arts in Massachusetts

Massachusetts Art

MASS MoCA stands on a complex that was a bustling center of manufacturing prior to the American Revolutionary War. Between 1775 and 1800, it housed wholesale shoemakers; marble works; cabinet-makers; furniture makers; wagon and sleigh manufacturers as well as wagon and sleigh makers.

Nick Cave and other artists use their work to explore issues ranging from cultural inheritance to ecological interdependency. This exhibition highlights forms of care embodied by artists' materials, ideas, and processes.

The MFA’s Collection

The MFA's world-class collections elicit emotions and provoke conversations, creating meaningful encounters. By selecting pieces across experiences, artists, geography, and time periods - from Pre-Columbian artifacts and cutting-edge photography to 18th-century drawings and Japanese prints - its offerings provoke deeper curiosity from even repeat visitors.

The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA) is one of the world's great encyclopedic museums, boasting collections containing more than 450,000 objects from ancient to contemporary history and drawing millions of visitors each year. Their impressive array of European and American art is particularly compelling.

As the cultural heart of Massachusetts, the MFA is an invaluable source of cultural identity for its residents. Its extensive holdings reflect Massachusetts' varied population and history - including a stunning portrait collection that spans from Van Gogh's Portrait of a Woman by Van Gogh and Houdon's bust of Paul Revere to Hassam's Boys in a Pasture by Hassam as well as iconic Boston Common at Twilight by Hassam. From these classic works to today, MFA boasts numerous influential portraits that span from its founding to modern period - perfect for their artistic mission!

As well as its collection, the Museum of Fine Arts also provides educational programs for both students and the general public. These include hands-on art-making classes, lectures by artists or lecturers on related subjects, artist Q&A sessions and interviews, docent-guided tours as well as school curricular programs provided to local schools by docents. Kidspace offers children an interactive gallery space filled with engaging activities.

MFA Publications at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA Publishing) is the museum's scholarly publishing program and includes designing and producing monographs, exhibition catalogues and other art-related books. Furthermore, MFA also maintains a trade publishing program dedicated to books of wider appeal.

MFA's Department of Contemporary Art aims to expand and deepen our museum's extensive and varied collection by collecting, researching, and displaying contemporary art made since the second half of the 20th century. Curators in this department work towards expanding and deepening MFA holdings by foregrounding narratives and perspectives that have historically been underrepresented; many works from this Department can be found within the Linde Family Wing for Contemporary Art while some pieces may also appear throughout other galleries throughout the museum.

The MFA’s Department of Contemporary Art

The MFA's collection of contemporary art is distinguished by artists hailing from diverse backgrounds and lived experiences, transcending traditional media boundaries. Curators continually shape our collection to reflect these new practices by foregrounding narratives and perspectives that have historically been underrepresented. Our two-year curriculum offers an in-depth investigation of this field with opportunities to focus on specific areas through MA colloquia or other courses.

The MFA Studio Courses -- Seminars (group critiques led by one of our teaching staff); Tutorials (individual critiques with faculty mentors); and Electives (which may be taken outside one's area of concentration)--help students develop their artistic practice by becoming more objective and observant. Mid-Program Reviews as well as our final MFA Thesis exhibition in our 205 Hudson Street Gallery provide further opportunities to showcase student work for all to view.

Each graduate student is provided a private studio space with 24-hour access while taking seminars, tutorials, electives, and Art History and Theory courses over their two-year studies. These courses are enhanced by visiting artists, scholars, and critics who give lectures or studio visits; additionally the Visiting Artist Lecture Series (VALS)--run and organized by graduate students--coordinates noontime lectures featuring guests working at the intersection between art and social practice.

At the same time, MFA students can draw upon the wealth of resources available at both the Museum and across campus. We encourage them to immerse themselves in our collections, Boston community resources, and New York City cultural institutions which are only 30 miles away - for study, work, and research opportunities that provide endless inspiration and possibilities.

The Museum of Fine Arts contemporary art collection represents the diversity of people and their multiple expressions of caring, from environmental sustainability and human body dignity, storytelling power, and its significance for social change, to works addressing globalization's complexities and interdependence. Our exhibitions and programs aim to present this variety of ideas and feelings made possible through donations made possible by generous supporters like you.

The MFA’s Site

The MFA website is an instance of deception and fraudulent behavior, fuelled by fraud. With each passing generation, its websites have become more refined and sophisticated in emulating legitimate content to lure unsuspecting advertisers into its web of deceit. Although MFA has made efforts to identify, expose, and curtail illegal publishers with some success, their practices continue to create obstacles for digital marketers attempting to achieve real business results with their advertising campaigns.

Located in Boston, Massachusetts, the Museum of Fine Arts Boston (MFA) is one of the United States' premier art museums and one of the 20th most comprehensive in the world. It boasts over 450,000 works from different periods such as Renaissance and Baroque as well as modern and contemporary artwork spanning five centuries, including masterpieces such as those by Da Vinci.

MFA students at SMFA learn from distinguished artists and scholars, deepening their understanding of their work through individual studio visits and group critiques with faculty. The program is small yet highly selective and emphasizes independent studio practice as well as developing an original artistic voice. Furthermore, its proximity to the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Five College Consortium gives MFA students access to the academic excellence offered at these institutions.

MFA students complete their degrees by producing and participating in an annual graduate thesis exhibition, working in dedicated Painting studios with students studying various fine arts disciplines - creating a supportive community of collaborators and supportive peers. Furthermore, our program is housed within a newly renovated Fletcher building which provides dedicated space for discussions among peers as well as woodshops and critique rooms for student use.

The Butler MFA program provides an intensive, rigorous, and transformative experience for writers who wish to expand their creativity through an intensive apprenticeship in craft, while simultaneously cultivating an acute vision of their place within literary culture. Its exceptional faculty includes award-winning authors, editors, and teachers; former presidents of the Society of Illustrators as well as members of Art Directors Club; as well as numerous acclaimed professional artists from fields including editorial illustration, children's book design, and graphic design.

The MFA’s Special Exhibitions

As one of the world's foremost art museums, it should come as no surprise that the MFA features numerous special exhibitions. From modernist architect David Rossbach's furniture pieces to textile collections from around the globe, every visit to these specialty displays at the MFA should be worthwhile.

This summer, the MFA is hosting an exhibition by 2023 MFA Painting class students. Real-world exhibition experience is an integral component of an MFA degree program; students learn "to collaborate within an active artist-alumni network that exists here in New York," according to SVA Director Dana Clancy.

An MFA's final thesis exhibition offers students an opportunity to combine theory and research in answering an important question or proposing their own solution to something. A committee, comprised of both their primary graduate studio advisor and another member of the faculty, evaluates and awards credit for such exhibitions.

Visitors to the MFA galleries can hear the tales behind select works with our free exhibition audio guide service, available both in English and Spanish versions. This experience offers visitors an intimate look into each work's story while expanding upon it further.

The Museum of Fine Arts houses its own publishing department, MFA Publications. This division produces both academic monographs and catalogs as well as trade publishing that features artworks from its collections.

The MFA is one of the nation's four largest museums and boasts one of the world's most comprehensive art collections. Through exhibitions and programs that cover a broad array of interests - Isabella Stewart Gardner's work addresses American identity and character while another exhibition examines how Edvard Munch used nature to express ideas about humanity. Art history enthusiasts will also enjoy seeing new exhibits about Symbolist Movement artists like Toshiko Takaezu as well as Toshiki Matsuda Takaezu herself!


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